About Us


The goal of the Monterey Bay Optometric Society is to promote excellence in vision care and to provide camaraderie among its members. We support the mission of the California Optometric Association: to provide a voice for optometry at the state level.  Our members serve the community in a variety of different practice modalities as primary eye care providers that work to diagnose and treat refractive conditions and ocular diseases. The MBOS offers high quality continuing education for its members, participates in local health screenings and clinics, and supports the COA in its commitment to lobby for optometrists and patient eye health at the state level.


2022 MBOS Officers

  • President: Dr. Kasey Nakajima

  • Immediate Past President / Membership: Dr. Jonovan Ottenbacher

  • Treasurer: Dr. Jennifer Buell

  • Political Action: Dr. Trevor Fogg

  • Education: Dr. Sylvia Lee

  • Senior Advisor: Dr. David Farberow


The Monterey Bay Optometric Society holds general meetings on the third Tuesday of the month in January, March, May, August and October.  In addition to food and networking opportunities, we offer high quality continuing education to our members during these meetings.


The Monterey Bay Optometric Association follows the same antitrust compliance policy as the American Optometric Association, as written out here: https://www.aoa.org/about-the-aoa/governance-and-policies/antitrust-compliance-policy
